Volunteer Opportunities
RARE’s Organization Structure and Opportunities
We are looking for volunteers to serve on our committees!
To that end, you may be interested in funneling your time towards one of these committees:
Fundraising Committee: Overviews and monitors fundraising activities in support of RARE’s Strategic plans and activities. Develops a Fundraising Strategy to include, but not limited to attracting RHS alumni Classes, grant opportunities, and other opportunities in the Seattle community to donate to RARE. This committee coordinates with Marketing and Communications Committee. It maintains a donor data base.
Scholarships/Awards Committee: Oversees and coordinates the communication, criteria and selection process of the scholarship. Members work with RHS counselors to establish/review/revise scholarship materials and processes, including the application, matrix, criteria and interview questions. Reviews the applicants and selects the ultimate scholarship recipients jointly with RHS counselors.
Partnerships and Projects Committee: works with diverse organizations and individuals who have similar goals toward racial equality. Identifies potential partnership organizations and participants establishes a working relationship to benefit each. Subcommittees include
- Connections: putting together students from diverse backgrounds for fun, memorable experiences in a wide variety of settings.
- Restorative Justice: developing meaningful and effective justice approaches in schools
Membership Committee: Identifies individuals inside and outside RHS Alumni who have the commitment, time and skill sets necessary to insure RARE’s current and future growth. This committee develops a selection and interview process for individuals to join RARE as members. Monitors Board and Executive Committee diversity requirements and recommends actions to correct imbalances. Develops and updates a Succession Plan with the Board.
Open Discussion Planning Committee: Identifies speakers to address topics consistent with RARE’s Mission Statement: “to advocate for racial equity by contributing to a deeper understanding of racism and racial equity, to heal the racial divide and promote equitable outcomes for all people”. This committee decides topics, finds and secures speakers, and coordinates with Communications and Marketing Committee to ensure publicity and attendance at sessions, as well as follow-up blogs and other media postings.
Communications and Marketing Committee: This is the communication link between RARE members, RARE committees and individuals who have an interest in RARE’s vision and mission. Develops and maintains RARE’s website, maintains the Trello bulleting board of RARE documents and does outreach on social medial platforms.
Interested in one of these committees? Fill in the contact information below!
Time commitment of each committee varies, but generally, involves at least one meeting per month (ZOOM) and another 2-3 hours per month on ‘homework’ deemed necessary at the meetings. Communications between other committee members and chair is via email/ZOOM.
Most committees recruit and place their members on rosters independently, with the exception of the Board, the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee and Membership Committee, whose member rosters are approved by the Executive Committee and forwarded to the Board of Directors for final approval.