
Restorative Practice Committee

Restorative Practice Committee

Mission: To advocate for racial equity by ensuring each child has equitable access to educational opportunities, in a learning environment where students feel safe, and secure and where their concerns are being heard and addressed.

What is Restorative Practice?

  • Restorative Practice is about relationships; building, maintaining, and repairing relationships to form healthy, supportive, and inclusive communities.

Why is Restorative Practice needed?

When students don’t have access to the full range of opportunities in their schools, they may become less engaged, less connected to their school communities. And that’s without the additional experiences of racial discrimination and harsh penalties. When students are disengaged, feel unwelcomed, and not included in their school, they are more likely to do poorly and fall behind, and less likely to have their best possible school experience.

Benefits of Restorative Practice in Schools


RARE’s Restorative Practice Committee is working with and supporting Seattle Public Schools in the implementation of Restorative Practice. The committee works in collaboration with the Restorative Practice Community Coalition (RPCC) which includes Students, Educators, Parents, Community Organizations, and the SPS Restorative Practice Program.

RP Committee Activities:


  • Work with RARE’s Fundraising Committee on ways to raise funds (Grants) to support the SPS Restorative Practice Program and RPCC.
  • Work with RARE’s Marketing Team to develop a social media strategy, webpage, newspapers, etc. to communicate and define Restorative Practice, why it is important, and how it benefits Students, Parents, Educators, and the Community.
  • Work with RARE’s Open Discussion Committee to conduct informational panel discussions on Restorative Practice.
  • Help to develop a Student Coalition to ensure their voice is heard and to ensure we are getting current and ground-level input on the impact of the SPS Restorative Practice programs and initiatives.
  • Work with other RARE committees (IE. Film Outreach) where there is an opportunity to create synergies and promote RARE and its mission statement.

Use of Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices at School: A Systematic Literature Review

Join Us

If you would like to learn more about Restorative Practice and our committee, please contact
us and reference the RARE Restorative Practice Committee.