RHS Class of 1971 Donors Page
Dick and Kathryn & Kathryn Almy '71
Char Olson-Alkire '71 & Ed Alkire '71
Nancy Fisher-Allison and Anthony Paul Allison '71
I'm honored to be joining RARE and the RHS community in this scholarship project, named for my great teammate and classmate James Davis. Thanks to everyone on the Donors Wall for making this happen, and for supporting racial equity.
Lisa Gianelli and Mark Anderson '71
We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this worthy cause.
Arlene (Becker) Azose '71
in honor of classmates Kristi Blake and Phoebe Russell
bill baker '71
Martha Barbee VanCleave '71
Martha (Barbee) Barbee VanCleave '71
Heidi Barrett '71
Heidi Barrett '71
Allan L. Bergano '71
your legacy of faith, hope and love will continue
Debbie (Bergseth) Bergseth Gowey '71
Kristianne (Gates) Blake '71
Energized by my fellow classmates who started RARE. Open discussions are a necessary foundation for promoting racial equity. Recognizing students who contribute toward creating a climate of racial equity is a fitting tribute to James Davis.
Gregg Blodgett '71
Gunars Blukis '71
James Michael Bogan '71
Andrew Bor '71
Thomas Bordner '71
Julie Adam Boriotti '71
Stella Britt '71
Najja Brown '71
Roger Cady '71
I went to school with James and was in the Roosevelt Marching Band with him. A better person, you will not find.
Nancy (Morton) Carr '71
John Carver '71
Mark Chernick '71
Kristin Day '71
Paul Fletcher ‘71 & Sue Donaldson '71
Robin Duryee '71
Mollie Edson '71
"I have come to the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the KKKer, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to 'justice'." Martin Luther King
Sister Monika Ellis '71
I am so proud of my classmates who spearheaded this effort, which is so needed and so timely.
Barbara (Hatlen) Erickson '71
Jude & Steve Fisher '71
I'm very happy to join my '71 alumni in donating to this great cause
Jude & Steve Fisher '71
I'm very happy to join my '71 alumni in donating to this great cause
Doug Green '71
Steven Gregersen '71
Catherine & Tim Hennings '71
We are glad for this opportunity to support the scholarship.
Our society has not made nearly the progress on racial integration and racial equity that we would have predicted as high school students in the 1970's. It is high time that we make big changes. This program is an excellent start.
Joe Hunter '71
James A. Davis Jr. was a remarkable individual. He was my Business partner (as kids), Classmate, Fraternity Brother (Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.), the Best Man at my wedding and my son's Godfather, but most importantly he was a fantastic person and my best friend.
This scholarship will help to keep his memory and what he represented alive.
We all need to support RARE and the James A. Davis Memorial Scholarship.
#1) “These are all our children. We will profit by, or pay for, whatever they become.”
#2) "When we open the door of opportunity... we give these students a chance to reach their true potential. We must rush to succeed!!!!!
#3) "We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us... we must now anchor down and provide a firm foundation for the future generations to stand on"
Bruce Johnson '71
Joe Joy '71
Glad to contribute in honor of James and his alter ego as Fredrick Douglass.
Jeff Keith '71
I'm so proud to have known James Davis as a classmate and fellow clarinetist.
Joe Kenney '71
Anonymous2 '71
James was a caring person and reached out to all of us to bring us together
R. Kim Peterson '71 '71
Laura Koutsky '71
David Kraft '71
I played football with James Davis!
Robin (Uchida) Lange '71
Mark Laura '71
Maggie Lewis '71
James Lycette '71
Janet (Maines) Maines Peterson '71
We need this. Thanks to Joe and Tony for getting it started.
Rex McDowell '71
Libby Mills '71
J. Forrest Nelson '71
Webb Nelson '71
J. Forrest Nelson '71
Craig Nicholes '71
Tom Norwalk '71
Robin (Balee) Ogburn '71
John Peterson '71
JoAnne Powell '71
Chris Rich '71
Phoebe (Gilbert) Russell '71
Steve Schold '71
John Sinclair '71
Brad Spear '71
Nancy & Doug Steers '71
John Tabb '71
James Davis was an inspiring teammate, class officer and friend.
I am enthused to support his racial equity philosophy via RARE and the James Davis Scholarships.
David Tang '71
Steve's Teammates and Friends '71
Lynn (Hayes) Thomas '71
Excellent cause
Keith Thompson '71
Lea Vaughn '71
"Let the nation . . . know the meaning of our numbers." A. Philip Randolph
Nancy A. Dodge & David T. Watts '71
"Each of us can learn from the equality trailblazers who have dedicated their work and lives to creating a path toward equality for all," -- Stevie Wonder.
We salute the equality trailblazers of RARE.
Bruce Williams '71
James Davis was a teammate, a co-worker and a friend. But my relationship with him was also a sign of hope - that despite our country's terrible treatment of blacks in the past, in the future we could live together in a country "with liberty and justice for all." I am sad that we haven't made more progress but, with enough local efforts like this, we will get there.
Terri (Creer) Wilson '71
Les Young '71
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
James Baldwin (1962)
Shirley J Davis '71
JoAnne Powell
Diana Hughes Elmer '71
Mollie Edson
Barb Grubbs '71
Lea Vaughn
Bruce Williams
Candace Hayes '71
Gregg Blodgett
Dave Pinkney '71
Bruce Williams
Tony Allison
Steve Schold '71
Steve's Teammates and Friends
Margaret Smith '71
JoAnne Powell
Neil Wilson '71
Gregg Blodgett
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