50 Years Later, Seattle Still Struggles with Race & Diversity
Learn how we can do better in this documentary about race and education,
based on the experiences of Roosevelt High School yesterday and today.
1Watch The FILM Trailer< BACK
3 minutes
2Watch The FILM < BACK
31 minutes
Click here for version with captions
Click here to view the film premiere event which includes the Q&A
3Brief Background < BACK
Race is one of the burning issues of the day, but does your family talk about it? The topic is uncomfortable and complicated. Yet the conversations need to happen. Young people are entering an increasingly diverse world. To thrive, they must be prepared to work with people who look different or come from different backgrounds.
The film Roosevelt High School: Beyond Black & White is a production of Roosevelt Alumni for Racial Equity (RARE), a Seattle non-profit formed to promote racial equity, with a focus on schools and their communities. RARE offers scholarships, this film, and monthly Open Discussions. Its newest initiative is Connections, a program to bring together students of different backgrounds for fun, meaningful experiences outside of school.
4Film discussion questions < BACK
These questions are intended to help you start discussions in classrooms, at family dinners, among book groups, etc.
5Quick Teacher’s Guide < BACK

A brief and simple guide that walks the teacher and students through the film. It contains a synopsis, a minute-mark description of the content, methods for teaching, and discussion questions.
6Curriculum Guide < BACK

This comprehensive curriculum guide is for use in high schools and middle schools. The table of contents is by subject area, but material is apportioned between middle school (Grades 6 -8) and high school (Grades 9 – 12). Designation as suitable for a particular grade level, however, is meant to be flexible – use as you feel is appropriate for your students.
8Survey < BACK

Please take our brief survey to let us know your opinions on the film and other content provided on this page
10Endorsements < BACK

This documentary is both timely and critical. The work it will take to rid our district of racism at all levels must be uplifted in all forms of media to be truly seen and valued. Thank you to RARE for doing just that. I hope members of our community will see this film as not only an important reminder but a call to action. — Brandon Hersey, President, Seattle School Board

Roosevelt High School: Beyond Black and White is truly a teaching tool that has broader implications of not only the Roosevelt experience, but it is also an authentic snapshot of the Seattle experience. It provides a great modern day context and historical clarity. It is a wonderfully woven narrative that compels us to disrupt business as usual. — Dr. Brent Jones, Superintendent Seattle Public Schools

RARE’s film Roosevelt High School: Beyond Black and White has made a unique contribution to understanding the history and current status of racial issues at Roosevelt High School, and other Seattle schools and communities. The film was shown in all RHS classes, and made a powerful impact in stimulating difficult but necessary conversations. It’s especially gratifying that the film is designed for use in classrooms and at school community gatherings, and that it is accompanied by discussion questions and a curriculum guide. — Tami Brewer, Principal, Roosevelt High School, Seattle

A well-crafted and powerful film that holds your interest. It provides an excellent starting point for family and classroom discussions about race relations. — David Shulman, President & Founder, Seattle Film Institute
This one page poster (PDF)is intended for sharing in emails (preferably using the link), posting on bulletin boards, or handing out to friends and colleagues. It includes a link and QR code to the registration page.
NOTE: This poster is being updated to remove references to the premiere event
13Recording of the film premiere Zoom event on January 31, 2022 < BACK
This is a recording of the film premier Zoom event on January 31, 2022, which was attended by more than 500 participants. It begins with an introduction by the RARE co-chairs, followed by an introduction of the moderator. The film is next. After the film is a Q&A. Questions are submitted by participants. Answers are given by a panel of students, alumni, parents, and school staff.
14Do you want to help? < BACK

Thank you for asking! There are many ways you can help RARE improve racial equity in Seattle schools and beyond.
15Quotes About the Film < BACK

Compilation of quotes from students, parents, teachers and other viewers who have watched the film and shared their views with RARE.
9Social Media Assets < BACK
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