


Connections is on Track for Summer

/ June 2, 2022

Thirteen students from three Seattle high schools are expected to participate this summer in Connections, RARE’s partnership with the Seattle Urban League.

The program will draw on information on race, racism, and anti-racism and will focus on helping high school students make friends across racial lines. Classes will be held July 11-22 at Garfield High School and will include students from Garfield, Franklin, and Roosevelt High Schools. Participants will earn a stipend and will go on to act as program ambassadors, according to Nilu Jenks, Connections coordinator.

Participants have not yet been selected.

The summer program will be a condensed version of what Jenks calls Connections 101 and 201. The 101 portion is background and will focus on workshops and interpersonal skills. Facilitators from the Urban League will lead. The 201 portion will focus on activities that the students can experience together. These activities will be led by additional partner organizations that have existing youth programs.

These students will provide feedback to refine the program. When Connections participants return to school in the fall, they will act as ambassadors to encourage more students to participate.

Connections was created by RARE to teach students how to breakdown racial barriers and to make all students feel welcome at school regardless of the school’s ethnic makeup. The Seattle Urban League has partnered with RARE to facilitate classes and to share their expertise working with young people.
