


Connections Team Begins In-Depth Student Interviews

/ October 12, 2022

As reported in our September newsletter, Connections held its first pilot last July. Our student surveys showed that 90% of the participants rated the content and activities from “good” to “excellent”. While surveys like this are useful, they seldom tell the whole story. For this reason, we are asking several of the students to spend an hour with our program planners to engage in personal interviews. This feedback is being used to plan our Spring 2023 program.

For example, one student, a freshman who registered for the July pilot program after learning about it from Facebook, noted that it met all his expectations. He had wanted a summer experience that would deepen his knowledge of racial equity concepts and skills, allow him to meet new kids his own age, and engage him in activities that stretched his knowledge. “It was just what I was looking for. Everybody got together, from different schools, different ethnicities, and did all these things together. It was great.” His best adventure? The BikeWorks-led tour of Seattle’s historic Chinatown-International District. Connections students rode bikes on a Justice Journey to the CID (as it is also known), discovering the vibrant past of an active community while discussing the history and legacy of inequity that created this landmark neighborhood. His final thoughts on the Summer Program? “I would definitely do it again.”
